
mother's smile

Happiness sometimes very simple, just a picture that we suddenly see the outside life. A smile, a child's eyes. And most sacred smile filled her mother's love for children ...
                                Smile in the eyes of the young mother. Baby still sleeping concentration.

The smile of the mother and child

                                               Joy and radiant smile in the mother's tender affection for her
Mom still laughs when life is the frequency of algae, when age-ball driver

This picture is the mother of Vietnam. Mother's smile so generous, so deliberately. Although children suffer at my hands on a pain of the past. Mom is still laughing, loving, carrying mask, safe boundaries. Mom still believes in government by divine motherly love great smiles.

Life will always open up for our hearts, if known to share more. By the smile of hope the world is forever a circle for the connection of love between people ...



smiles to children

1. Bright smile of a baby

2.Angel baby's smile

3. baby laugh is still fresh in his eyes sparkling innocence


4. They still laughed as hard childhood life by date

Please bring your child's childhood, the most perfect smile, make them full enough to live in love and embrace carrying mask ...Compassion is the only thing to cure the human soul we ...A smile is a message exists, always become a guideline for the future ahead. I am sending these pictures, hope the world will always blooms in smiles of thousands of thousands ... 



Smile your way to a long life

People who smile a lot are usually happier, have more stable personalities, more stable marriages, better cognitive skills and better interpersonal skills, according to research. Science has just uncovered another benefit of a happy face. People who have big smiles live longer.

Researchers at Wayne State University used information from the Baseball Register to look a photos of 230 players who debuted in professional baseball before 1950. The players' photos were enlarged and a rating of their smile intensity was made (big smile, no smile, partial smile). The players' smile ratings were compared with data from deaths that occurred 2006 and 2009. The researchers then corrected their analysis to account for other factors associated with longevity, such as body mass index, career length, career precocity and college attendance.

For those players who had died, the researchers found longevity ranged from an average of 72.9 years for players with no smiles (63 players), to 75 years for players with partial smiles (64 players) to 79.9 years for players with big smiles (23 players).

This isn't a bunch of psycho-hooey, the authors said. Smiles reflect positive emotion. Positive emotion has been linked to both physical and mental well-being. They added a caveat to their study, noting: "The data source provided no information as to whether expressions were spontaneous or in response to a photographer's request to smile." Still, big smiles are more likely to reflect true happiness than partial smiles.
What I'm wondering is, did they account for each team's winning records? Maybe the non-smilers were thinking about batting averages.

The study is published in the journal Psychological Science.



10 Facts about Smiling

Smiling is something that we do on a daily basis but we rarely think about the power that a smile can have. People tend to think more positively of those who are smiling then of those who are not. There are many interesting facts that revolve around a smile. In fact, did you know that women smile more often then men and that babies save a particular smile for only their loved ones. Read on to learn more cool facts about Smiling.

Fun Facts about Smiling
1. When someone smiles in is universally known as an expression of happiness whihc is recognized by almost all cultures.
2. When a person studies laughter they are known as a ‘gelotologist’.
3. There are over 18 different types of smiles that are used in a variety of social situations. For instance, people can use a smile to say a hello, and they can also use a different type of smile to show their understanding of a  particular situation.
4. A frown uses more muscles to contract and expand then a smile does.
5. A smile is one of the most used human facial expressions. Smiles can use between 5 to all 53 muscles.
6. Smiling releases endorphins and makes us feel better, even when you fake a smile you can feel better.
7. A person that smiles more is deemed to be more pleasant, sincere, attractive and more sociable then a on-smiling person.
8. We are born with the ability to smile, it is not something that we copy. For instance, even blind babies are able to smile.
9. Humans are able to differentiate between a real smile and a fake smile by seeing the difference in a persons eyes when they smile.
10. Newborns tend to have more preference for a person with a smile then a person that is not smiling.
Don't forget to smile



10 recipes for keep smiling

When I wrote my story "Attention Smile" an idea become to me here it is!

1. If you are married or have girlfriend/boyfriend you should kiss your partner 6-10 times a day and make love with him more than 10 minutes. I tested this recipe its working.
The kiss is good for your health in many ways.
- Training for the facial muscles – the passionate the better
- Burning calories
- Stimulate cardiovascular activity
- Reducing cholesterol and high blood pressure
- Prevent the appearance of wrinkles
- Enhances immune system
- And of course keep your mouth smiling
2. When you hurry I the morning stop and looks. It is very easy just think for something about. Something you want so much. Something you love with real passion and you will smile. So the day begins with smile. Its working for me. Better to start the day with smile then big care. Do not worry about nonsense, everything is nonsense. I’m not a full worry not make difference. Just act without big concern. Of course we must think but without big concern. I deflect, sorry about that. And conclusion is: In the morning visualize your dreams and some of them will come true. And of course you will smile maybe all the day. I guarantee.
3. You have favorite music? I’m sure you do. Then when you are not happy listen yore favorites tracks. My favorite group is ACDC. When starts Thundertruck my adrenaline rises and I keep smiling.
4. Eat is good for smile. Chocolate even better but don’t get me wrong. I’m not encourage stuffing. I talk about gentle tasting. First with tong then with mouth slowly. With little pieces. The idea is longer enjoy.
5. Reading. I read everywhere. I the park on the bench. When I sit in the subway on my way home or work mostly books and free newsletters. But I prefer books. Isaak Asimov Foundation is my favorite and many more of course.
6. Looks around you. So many people so many nature miracles. The birds, the threes, flowers, smiles of other peoples. Every man who see your smile maybe will have better day. With one smile you can change life. My wife change mine.
7. Make jokes with colleagues and mate and relatives. Not bad jokes of course. I talk about anecdote and kidding. But be careful, if others think you are bad joker don’t push with jokes.
8. TV. I don’t recommend news they cause stress.
9. Go to bed with the thought of something beautiful and peaceful and wake up with a smile, because the latter thought before fall asleep wakes up first.
10. Think of something that made you smile. This is maybe the easiest way to keep smiling.
A smile is the best antidote for anxiety and sadness. Some people are too tired to give you a smile. Donate them your smile, because they need it ! Smile and you will unlocked many doors. Have you noticed when someone is smiling, thousands of stars shining in his eyes. Sparkle of these stars are transmitted to those around him and cause in them a smile and good mood! Smile charged with positive emotions, animates our whole being - boiling real life! And another thing: you have reason to smile? Just do it! Have a smile day!



The Art of Smiling

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word,
a listening ear, and honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring,
all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”

– Leo F. Buscaglia
Actually, there isn’t any art behind it. Just that you were born to be happy, and you can show this happiness with that beautiful smile of yours. C’mon! Let’s see it. :) Okay, good.
To some extent, we all know how to spot a genuine smile, basically this formula:

We are all sensitive to this genuine scale, so why then is it that when we cross paths with a stranger or casual acquaintance in the elevator, we give them a fake smile? That ‘polite smile’. You know what I’m talking about (don’t get me wrong, I do this too, unconscious at grocery stores, on streets, while waiting for something.). The lesson? Smile with your eyes! Feel it genuinely and it will come out naturally.
Extras: check out this quick interactive quiz from BBC to test out your ability to spot the difference between a real smile and a fake one.
Side Note: I am now smiling as I write this article. I love it! Thank you for reading and allowing me to express myself creatively.
A smile is so simple, yet so powerful. Some noticeable effects of externalizing your internal joy are:
  • People will be attracted to you - I don’t mean sexually (well, maybe that too), but people will feel drawn to your energy. When you smile more, you will carry an aura and poise that will draw people to you. People will look forward to being around you, knowing only that they feel great around you. People on the street, at work, your friends etc. We all like and want to be around happy and cheerful people, right?
  • Optimistic - You’ll feel more positive about yourself and the world.
  • Happiness & Joy - A smile is an expression of happiness and joy in you. Like an upward spiral, a smile will boost the happiness you feel.
  • Healthy - A smile can affect your internal state, which can have physiological impact on your physical and mental health.
  • Approachable - A smile is so welcoming and will make people feel more at ease.
  • Making Other People Happy - A smile has the power to make other people feel good about themselves. It’s heart-warming and has the power to cheer up others instantly.
  • Smiles Are Contagious - Others can quickly and easily catch it and will experience the above ‘side effects’.
Take The Smiling Challenge!

  • Smile at Strangers -You know those times when we cross paths with a stranger or accidentally catch someone’s gaze, and we (both) would suddenly look away in awkwardness or pretend we are looking at something else? Well, the challenge is to give them a big smile. A genuine smile, showing teeth and everything. Deepak Chopra talks about giving each person you encounter a small gift. I do this with a smile. Why not? It doesn’t cost us anything. Plus, it’s a lot more fun than feeling awkward and pretending you’re not there.I also love to see people’s reactions when you smile at them, and they aren’t expecting it. Some blush, and others are surprised and smile back, which makes me feel all warm inside.
  • Smile at Homeless People and Street Hagglers -

    I live in a part of downtown Seattle with lots of street hagglers and homeless people. People often ask me whether I get ‘harassed’ often. The answer is: sometimes. But they really are very nice, just like the rest of us. They too need attention and acknowledgment. So, give them a gift worth more than money.Next time someone asks you for money, don’t try to ignore them. Turn to them, smile warmly and tell them how you feel. If you don’t feel like giving money, just tell them “Sorry, I don’t have change now. Have a beautiful day!”Similarly, if something is trying to sell you something or ‘hitting-on’ you, simply turn to them, smile and say “No thank you.”I’ve found that it takes more energy to ignore and pretend to be very serious, than it is to smile. So smile! Make someone’s day!
  • Smile Fully -You know that half smile we give people when we’re trying to be polite? Like on an elevator, bumping in someone at the front door, or waiting in line. Why not practice giving them a real smile? It’ll be less awkward and you can potentially make someone’s day, or a new friend!
  • Smile at Work -Living under a routine, we can easily be in a zombie-like state when coming into work. We zip into work quickly following the same routines we’ve habituated. Our target is to get to work, and we can sometimes forget about the people around us, in other cubes/offices/departments. So, the challenge is to practice beaming with smile as you come into work. Smile genuinely with people you meet. Be completely pleased to see them. Make it a focus for the day, to bring more happiness into the lives of others. Ask them genuinely and infused with energy, “How are ya?”How was your weekend?” Watch the smiles surface on their face.
  • A Small Compliment with Your Smile -When meeting or encountering people. Look for things you admire or like about them, however small, let them know. A small genuine compliment can go a long way to lift people’s spirits.
I’ve found it useful to be conscious of things that make me smile. You might want to spend a few minutes making a list of things that brings a smile to your face.
Some Moments That Make Me Smile are:

  • When Tommy (my eight pound Pomeranian doggie) does one of his tricks: spin in circles, playing dead, or his ‘moonwalk’ dance (that’s right, he moonwalks… *laughs*).
  • When I practice gratitude ‘sessions’
  • When I reach mini goals throughout the day.
  • When I read comments left by readers.
  • When savoring sweet taste of vanilla ice cream
  • When I do my happy dance, and make friends laugh with my ridiculousness.
  • When Adam (my partner) brings me food or chai in the morning as I’m working away on my laptop.
  • When my mother laughs
More Tips To Bring Smiles into Your Life
  • Smiling Journal - For two weeks, record the moments that brought out your wonderful smile. If you are ever feel down, flip through this book to be reminded of things that make you smile. Experience those moments and notice your state shift to a positive one. You cannot be both angry and smiling at the same time. I learned in physiological psychology that if the physical action conflicts with that of your feeling, the feeling inside will shift to match that of your outer sensation. One way to shift your emotion is to change your physiology.
  • Appreciation - Identify things that you are grateful for. Then focus on those things as much as possible.
  • Humor - Make a point to watch a comedy movie. To go a comedy club. Hang out with people who make you laugh.
  • Go On a Self Date - When we feel more connected with ourselves, we feel more joy and tend to naturally smile more.
  • Find Innocence - Observe a small child or a pet at play with total ease and freedom. Watch their innocence, enjoy their presence and yours. Are you smiling? Do you feel happy for them? That’s because you are connecting with the same innocence within yourself.


Smile and Make Your Day Better

 3 reasons why smiling can make your day better

While I was walking to get my shoes mended at the cobbler, the uncle looked up to me and smiled, saying it cost’s $8 to get them done. I smiled, and asked if the rest of the soles could be fixed.
“That will be $18 in total.” said the man.
Unlike the other 2 shoe repair services that I’ve visited, this guy was a whole lot different. He smiled; and that showed me the assurance that I needed that in his hands, the shoes will be made better.
An hour passed and I returned to do the collection, and saw him busily working on another customer’s pair of shoes. He looked up, smiled, and said to me excitedly, “Hey! Here they are. You might want to give it a check to see if it’s okay with you.”
“Oh by the way, I’ve added a little layer of padding on the inside of your shoe. I’d noticed that it was worn out.” he added.
His workmanship was excellent! And I gladly paid in full for the high quality work, time and care that he had taken for making my favorite pair of shoes in a better state than before.


Quotes to Make You Smile

A collection of quotes to make you smile. While these inspirational quotes may make you grin, you will find they also express words of wisdom in them. The sayings and phrases can cause your facial expression to change to a smiling expression, and we hope a couple of the quotes will make you burst out in laughter but at the same time be inspirational. We will continue to add funny quotations to our listing as we find them. Remember a smile is recognized and understood in any language!  

Quotes to make you Smile : )
"The best measure of a man's honesty isn't his income tax return. It's the zero adjust on his bathroom scale." Arthur C. Clarke "Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down." Oprah Winfrey
"Forgiveness is a funny thing. It warms the heart and cools the sting. William Arthur Ward
"I find television very educational. Every time someone turns it on, I go in the other room and read a book." Groucho Marx
"You'll be richer in the end than a prince, if you're a friend.  
Edgar A. Guest

"So, if you feel a smile begin, don't leave it undetected, let's start an epidemic quick, and get the world infected!" Russel H. Conwell, from Smile Virus
"Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter."
Mark Twain

"A man is not paid for having a head and hands, but for using them."
Elbert Hubbard

"If you don't understand how a woman could both love her sister dearly and want to wring her neck at the same time, then you were probably an only child."
Linda Sunshine

"Do not listen to those who weep and complain, for their disease is contagious."
Og Mandino