
Angel Smiling On You

Do you believe in angels. Here is a short story of a relationship between a granddaughter and a grandmother. And how angels are a special part of the granddaughters life. 
Tears streamed down my face as I sat at my grandmother's funeral. My grandmother lived a very full life, and was full of energy, love, and wisdom. She always said the right thing for the situation. And, whenever we had a problem, we knew we could talk with Grandma.
As a teenager, I can remember many conversations where Grandmother would give us her worldly wisdom and she would always end up saying you have an angel smiling on you dear I know you will do the right thing. Now, here we were at her funeral, and I could almost hear her saying, the angels are smiling on us. Now, I really knew I had an angel smiling on me as I am sure Grandma was in heaven smiling down and watching out for us.
I offered to help my Mum sort through Grandma's apartment. The next few days were filled with memories, and filled with laughter, and filled with tears. As we sorted through Grandma's stuff, it brought back some wonderful memories. I was packing the last of the dishes when my mum called to me. I went into Grandma's bedroom, and my mum handed me a package with my name written on it. I opened the box and read the poem:
May this little Angel shine upon your home
Filling your days with cheer
Know that She stands on guard for you
To help you smile all year.
And Grandma had handwritten, "hang this stained glass angel in your window to remind you of your angel Kate! Love Grandma"
To this day, I have the stained glass angel hanging in my bedroom window. And, every time I look at it I can hear Grandma saying:
"You have an angel smiling on you dear, I know you will do the right thing."
Short Story


Where smiles

When you bring a smile for everybody, feeling in your heart blossom into feeling hard to describe. Is it happy. To be able to smile a perfect smile. Not simple. Not just for laughs that laugh. Sometimes you laugh because of a story that teus. Moments that will go away ...  
Or when you laugh in pubs with friends. Smile will pass quickly. But, I know there are even gentle smile, even stop smiling ... The smile was not easy to drift into obscurity. That smile of the old man bed, went through decades of life. That is your mother's smile: Smiling so hard to become nothing dinner jacket, smiled for the doomed life blur with sea salt into deep loving heart full of love of mother ...  
So I'll start by looking smile with love to hold in your good heart. Smile will never disappear. He would smile and fully immortal. And smile would light up each step of the wind like wings canvas youth we learn from the people that went through nearly 60 years of life.
